Ready to achieve your goals?

You’re in the right place.

The Jumpstart Coaching Lab is a unique coaching and consulting company that will work with you to design a plan tailored specifically to your needs and goals. We know what it takes to help you succeed.

“I’m new here. What do you do?”

A mixture of coaching and consulting or "consultative coaching." Your unique needs and goals are considered as we leverage our life and vocational experience to design a plan for you to achieve your objectives. You can read more about Dom's background by clicking here.

“Ok, that sounds good. What can I expect by taking the next step?”

We begin with a complimentary discovery meeting which typically lasts around 15-30 minutes. During this time we will focus on understanding what problem you're facing, the obstacles currently in your path, and our recommended solution(s). (Note: This session is typically recorded and you'll receive a copy of it upon the meeting's conclusion.

At the end of this session, we’ll determine if you’re a fit for any of our coaching solutions. If you move forward, you’ll receive a customized "plan of action" for you that entails objectives and key results for our engagement. This is covered thoroughly in the client onboarding meeting which lasts around 60 minutes.

Corey Stackhouse

Stackhouse Enterprises

"I was able to double my revenue in the span of 12 months! I went from $9,857 average fee revenue from the period of May-Dec 2022 to $18,000 as of June 2023 and now $21,000 as of July 2023! "

James Bondulich

B&P Financial Services

"As a career changer, anyone listening to this would have the same fears that I had..."how is it actually done?" [If] you need to look behind the curtain...Jumpstart really provides that view."

Rosie George

Strait Direction Wealth Management

"I did extensive research and what I found is there was no one-stop shop and I was afraid of missing something. When I reached out to Dom he had an established process from start to finish."

What others have said…


"I did extensive research and what I found is there was no one-stop shop and I was afraid of missing something. When I reached out to Dom he had an established process from start to finish."

- Rosie George


"I would definitely tell them to reach out to you and look at everything cause I have checked out your website and you have everything that anyone could ever want to know."

- Ronette Jemison


"I think the biggest challenge is that there are so many paths a person could take, and many of them probably wouldn't be a good fit. I think Jumpstart could provide a straightforward guide to determining the right path."

- Enjoli Ramsey


"Going through the course also allowed me to identify what my values far as what I would want in a career...and the path I really want to go down."

- Cory Falade


"I was blown away with the interactiveness of the program. I can't really think of any program, for the price tag, that includes as much as Jumpstart.

- Forest Starr


"...knowing that I have a better idea of what I wanna do and how it would fit into my life, that alone is just a diamond in itself. And Iv'e been able to do that because of the...information you've provided."

- Kathleen Paramore


"The content is very high quality. And it helps you get a clearer picture of the avenues to take in the industry."

- Tamika Howell


"...honestly your hands-on attitude has been extremely helpful because it's hard to find a mentor that has the time and can really put in that extra effort...and I think you make a really conscious effort to let everyone in the community know you're available for help."

- Katelyn Brown


"So it was relieving...especially getting started. You kinda have this fear of 'how, what, where, when'. So you settled that for me."

- Casaia Gaspard


"Here's the thing. Having gone through Jumpstart, I'm not starting at square one...because I've learned all these good things and communicated with all these great people within the community."

- Arcelia Wicker


“I had the pleasure of working with Dominique through the career coaching service he provides. He was very professional and provided amazing advice that has already started to influence changes in my career and my mindset. I would highly recommend this service to anyone looking to make meaningful change in their career trajectory.”

- Victor Campos, CPA


I worked with Dom in the summer/fall of 2022 after I left my prior career as an ag lender to pursue a career in the financial advising/coaching field and also for family reasons. Dom provided me with a lot of useful information. He’s honest, timely and a straight shooter. Dom truly cares about you and your success. I would definitely recommend Dom if you’re career changing into the financial services industry or looking to start your own RIA firm. You won’t be disappointed. Thanks again Dom!

- Michael J. Melo


"...there's so much information online...the program was nice because it was pretty condensed and efficient, so I could save lots and lots of time using the program."

- Tim Dorner


"I would just tell anyone, that if they're thinking they want to get into financial services...there's no question...this is a much better way to get started!"

- Erika Moore Jenkinson


"I've never seen a program like this before...where you can build your own brand and find out your why. This program takes time for you to figure that out..."

- Carol Jones


"If you're in that middle area, and you're like I don't know or 50/50...I feel like this is something that will help you."

- Omer Mohiuddin


"As a career changer, anyone listening to this would have the same fears that I had..."how is it actually done?" [If] you need to look behind the curtain...Jumpstart really provides that view."

- James Bondulich


"There are so many pathways in the financial services clear, cookie cutter direction...[so I was like]...can I have someone that's been through this before? That's what I found in you."

- Kionnie Epps


"Dominique has done a wonderful job of providing processes and structures that I have great confidence in...the resources that you have available to you are literally limitless."

- Mark Candler


"I think people are looking for direct answers when they search on YouTube and sometimes you don't get that...but with Dom, he's intentional about really answering those questions."

- Doug Alford


"I think it's really awesome that I had a community of knowledge to kinda soak up, while I wasn't in the industry."

- Austin Willson


"Jumpstart is a great foundation for someone coming into the industry."

- Kameron Kindle


I would highly recommend Dominique and his Jumpstart Coaching program. He’s professional, knowledgeable and a true industry expert in the financial service industry. He helped me transition from working with a broker-dealer to setting up my RIA firm and he’s definitely worth the investment. He truly cares about your success and will ensure that you have the tools and resources to build a successful business!

- Lillian Henderson


Dominique helped me establish my RIA and coached me through the many nuances of the financial planning/advisory industry. Dominique knows the industry inside out and has the ability to offer solutions to unique situations very quickly - demonstrating his experience and valuable perspective. He is compassionate, empathetic and very personable, which are very important characteristics of a coach and thought leader. Would definitely recommend Dominique’s services! Thank you Dom!

-Srdana Pokrajac, CFA

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